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Zora Pang
on Ngunnawal (Canberra)

Zora\Linyi Pang is a community-driven artist, organiser and creative producer. Her creative practice is about challenging the status quo, finding new ways to (dis)organise and collaborate; finding new ways of life and art. She is currently interested in the negotiation of care and conflict transformation in collective work. She wants to do more system work and tool building that makes creativity more accessible and better resourced. 

"Before I moved to Australia in 2014, I grew up in Shenzhen, a coastal city next to Hongkong where I was first inspired by art in the context of rapid urbanisation. Such life as a migrant is reflected in my art practice most often as a desire to explore and connect through differences. Living as an outsider to both the culture I grew up in, and the culture I live in - a common experience of culturally diverse individuals - it is my natural space to find alternatives to our defaulted ways of doing, knowing, being." 

For example, finding new ways of...


ING WORLD, Tributary Projects | 2023
暖暖:饺子世界, Tributary Projects | 2023

Student Collaborator in Online Exhibition (during COVID-19) In(out)sider, Collaborative Storytelling at the ANU | 2020
合作学生, 线上展览“里外人”, 澳洲国立大学合作式故事项目| 2020

Founder, “#NonProjectCBR“ | 2019
开展, “非项目”, 堪培拉 | 2019

...Connecting with Community

Organiser, “Rejection Party”, a heartbreak-themed bash celebrating all forms of rejection, Tributary Projects | 2022
组织, “被拒趴”, 以心碎为主题来共同庆祝所有形式的被拒绝的经历, Tributary Projects | 2022

Creative Producer (Mentored), “Creatives in-the-park”, a picnic with artist-led conversations, music, and art, YOUAREHERE CANBERRA | 2021

艺术出品, “公园里的艺术家”, 一场集合音乐艺术和艺术家带领的对话的野餐,YOUAREHERE 堪培拉 | 2021

Creative Producer (Mentored), “Wǒ-in-process (Wǒ[我]: I, me)”, a process-oriented relational project, focusing on opening up discursive dialogues around Chinese identity issues, Tuggeranong Arts Centre, Canberra | 2020
艺术出品, “我-过程中”, 一个以过程和互动为主的旨在开启关于华人身份的对话的项目, 堪培拉TAC社区艺术中心 | 2020

Collaborative Founder, “#Water_Voices” Community Project, Canberra & Orange | 2019-now
合作开展“水_声”社区项目, 堪培拉&橙镇 | 2019-now
- 展讯/Exhibition: Liquid Dreams by #Water_Voices, Gang Gang Cafe, Canberra | 2021

Participating Artist in Field Studies, ANU Environment Studio Bundian Way Balawan Elective, led by Dr Amanda Stuart & Amelia Zaraftis | 2018

田野调查与创作, 澳洲国立大学艺术设计学院雕塑系环境工作室原住民Bundian之路项目 | 2018- 展讯/Exhibition: Balawan, the story continuous.

Project Coordinator & Assistant Researcher, 2017-2018 Shenzhen\Hongkong Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB), UABB School "Welcome Home" Roundtable Discussion & Mapping Workshop,
Operated under RMIT Curatorial Collective, collaborated with RMIT CAST Research Center​ | 2018
项目统筹&辅助研究, 第6届深港城市建筑双城双年展, 深双学堂“欢迎回家”圆桌论坛&艺术地图工作坊,
墨尔本皇家理工大学策展小组承办, 与社会艺术发展与转型研究中心协作 | 2018
- 现场/Photos:

Zora's Floating Kitchen | 2015
移动厨房 “漂流拾味” | 2015

Other Experiences

Residency Programs

Creative Producer, “Creative Recovery and Resilience Residencies”, UC x Belco Arts x ArtsACT | 2022
创意监制, “创意复苏艺术驻留”, 堪培拉大学, Belconnen艺术中心, 堪培拉州艺术委员会 | 2022

Artist-in-residence, “Live Art Lab”, Ainslie + Gorman Arts Centres | 2021
艺术家发展项目, “现场艺术实验室”, Ainslie + Gorman艺术中心 | 2021

Artist-in-residence, “Cahoots 2020”, YOUAREHERE CANBERRA | 2020
艺术家发展项目, “合谋小组2020”, YOUAREHERE 堪培拉 | 2020


Peer-reviewed journal, "Free food in the gallery: Understanding Tiravanija", ​JAWS Journal (Sep 2020) | 2021
学术期刊发表,“美术馆的免费食物:如何理解提拉瓦尼”,JAWS期刊20年9月刊 | 2021

Co-publish (with Wilson Yeung), "Reflections on Intercultural Practice in Public Art: An Interview with Professor Geoff Hogg", Public Art Magazine (03) | 2020
合作出版 (与杨俊玮),"公共艺术中跨文化实践的反思:对话杰夫-霍格教授", 公共艺术杂志20年03期 | 2020

Shared poems/collage in UNTRODDEN SKY: COMMUNITY QUARANZINE | 2020
诗歌/拼贴收录于杳无人迹的天空:社区独立(隔离)杂志 | 2020

Conference & Talks
Panel member, BACK AND FORTH: An Intergenerational Conversation, Canberra Contemporary Art Space | 2023
论坛成员,来来回回:一场隔代对谈,堪培拉当代艺术空间 | 2023

Presenting at "Caring Relations", Faculty of Arts and Design Centre for Creative and Cultural Research Seminars, University of Canberra | 2022
发表于堪培拉大学艺术设计学院创意文化研究中心系列讲座, “关怀关系” | 2022

Presenting at Conference, 
Aesthetics, Politics and Histories: The Social Context of Art (AAANZ) Conference,

School of Art, RMIT University, Melbourne | 2018
学术发表, 2018澳大利亚新西兰艺术联合会, 墨尔本皇家理工大学艺术学院 | 2018

Institutions\Orgs\Artist-Run-Initiatives Roles

Creative Producer, YOUAREHERE CANBERRA | 2023

YOUAREHERE 堪培拉 | 2023

Engagement, StrongerThanFiction | 2022
推广, StrongerThanFiction | 2022

Tributary Projects (Canberra ARI) | 2021-now
支流项目(堪培拉艺术自组织) | 2021-now

Master of Art History and Curating, Australian National University (ANU) | 2020
艺术史及策展研究生毕业, 澳洲国立大学​ | 2020
- Interests:social practice (community art/public art/relational aesthetics/participation), postcolonialism; cultural identities.
- 研究方向:社会实践(社区艺术/公共艺术/关系美学/参与性)、后殖民主义、文化身份

Graduate, Bachelor of Business and Arts (Art History), Monash University, Melbourne | 2017
本科毕业于墨尔本莫纳什大学商科与艺术史 | 2017

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